Types of Implants
Having a damaged or missing tooth can be annoying and potentially detrimental to your health. However, dental implants have been helping people regain their smiles for decades through the most advanced technology. Here’s an overview of what dental implants are, what types of implants exist, and how to prepare for a procedure.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are metal frames that are surgically placed into the jawbone, just beneath the gums. These metal posts allow your dentist to place artificial teeth onto the frames. These implants infuse into the jawbone, providing stable support for the false teeth, whether they be dentures or individual teeth. With a secure fit, the implants help make speaking and eating more natural and more comfortable.
What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?
One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is that they don’t need to be adjusted to fit any adjacent teeth. Dental implants can last a long time if taken care of properly, so meticulous oral hygiene is necessary, along with regular dental visits, to keep the metal posts working and the replacement teeth sturdy.
What are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?
The only massive disadvantage to having dental implants is the cost – dental insurance usually only covers 10-percent of the fees. However, there have been many petitions have dental coverage cover more of the costs involved with dental implants, and depending on the dentist you go to, they’ll be able to work out a payment plan for any of your dental concerns.
Types of Dental Implants
Endosteal Implants – Made of titanium and shaped like screws, these dental implants are drilled into the jawbone.
Subperiosteal Implants – Dental implants placed under the gum but just above the jawbone, these implants are available for those who don’t have enough of a healthy jawbone or don’t want to go through the endosteal procedure to rebuild the tooth.
How to Prepare For Dental Implants
Preparation involves going to a regular check-up and consultation. Any damaged teeth that remain must be removed and cleaned before the dentist can install an implant. Avoid eating anything eight to twelve hours before the surgery, especially if you’ll be going under sedation. General anesthesia is what will make this necessary, but local anesthesia doesn’t require this kind of prep.
What Happens After the Procedure?
Following the procedure, you’ll most likely experience bleeding and slight pulsing pain to your gums. When this happens, your dentist will give you antibiotics for preventing infections while the gums heal from the surgery. You’ll need downtime afterward, so while you’re recovering, limit your food options to liquids until the pain subsides. Give yourself at least a week to recover before heading back to work, because immediately working after surgery can cause further damage to your mouth more so than necessary.
If you’re looking for a dental implant or have questions about the procedure, contact Southwest Family Dentistry at Lake City, FL. With a handful of a professional dentist and practitioners working alongside Dr. John Batlle, you’ll be able to get a consultation on dental implants, how much they will cost, and what procedures they’ll be able to do for you.