Facts About Dental Sealants

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants act as a barrier between the enamel of the tooth and the bacteria and acids that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Dental sealants are placed on the chewing surface of the molars and premolars, filling in the fissures that grind food. Cavities usually occur within the molars and premolars.

What are dental sealants made out of?

Dental sealants are made of plastic resin, which can be clear or tooth-colored. The plastic resin can contain a small amount of BPA, but the amount of BPA is so minuscule that it is not considered to be a threat. Fun fact: saliva will not remove the sealants, even while it has the acidic quality of saliva that is used to dissolve foods. Saliva is made to break down starches, and only through continuous use of the teeth overtime does the sealants wear down and dissolve.

When is it best to get dental sealants?

Dental sealants are most often given to children between the ages of 10 to 17. As their second permanent molars grow in to replace the first permanent molars, those teeth will begin to develop pits and grooves, risking decay overtime. Even while regular brushing and flossing is a regular part of a child’s routine, brushing can only reach so far into the grooves of the molars. Depending on how deep the grooves are, dental sealants provide the only way of protecting a child’s teeth from damage and decay.

How are dental sealants installed?

When at the dentist, your dentist will perform a check-up and clean your teeth so that the molars aren’t filled with debris before placing in the dental sealant. Your dentist, depending on the composition of the plastic resin, may apply an acid solution on the teeth to allow the resin to bond to the teeth, Because dental sealants adhere to the natural pits of the molar tooth, the plastic resin is sticky enough that it fills in the crevices, and creates a bond that hardens over time.

How long do the sealants last?

If done correctly, dental sealants can last up to 10 years. Having regular checkups with your dentist can help your dental sealants last longer. Some insurance companies can cover the costs of sealants, as they provide security and a preventative measure for conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. If a person were to not have dental sealants, the risk of cavities becomes four times more likely.

When it comes to wanting dental sealants, finding the right dentist to perform the procedure can be a tedious task. At Southwest Family Dentistry, Dr. John Batlle and his team of dentists will be able to take care of your teeth, give regular checkups, and perform preventative dental procedures such as dental sealants. If you’re looking for a dentist in Lake City, Florida and wish to learn more about dental sealants, then contact Dr. Batlle today and schedule an appointment.

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