Traditional vs No-Prep Veneers

Veneer Choice

For patients seeking alternative options for correcting their teeth, veneers provide a minimally-invasive, aesthetically pleasing method for gaining a beautiful smile. Veneers can provide people with a simple, cost-effective solution for correcting minor cracks, discolorations, and misalignment in the teeth. Veneers are thin shells covering the teeth’ surface and are usually placed along the front teeth to give them a complete makeover. Veneers cost between $800 to $2,500 per tooth, and veneers provide about five to seven years before needing any touch-ups. For those looking into veneers, there are multiple options available that can be beneficial in the long run for achieving that perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

Difference Between Traditional and No-Prep

  • Traditional Veneers – Traditional veneers act just as it says in its name: they’re the foundation for all other variations of veneers. They have a specific procedure attached to them that makes them long-lasting and effective at transforming smiles. Traditional veneers are bonded permanently to the teeth and require the intensive prep work of removing at least 0.5 to 0.7 mm of enamel from the teeth’ surface. This is about twice the thickness of an eggshell, making it a delicate procedure. This procedure requires healthy enamel to be appropriately completed, and these veneers are intended to be a permanent fixture for your smile.
  • No-prep Veneers – No-preps, on the other, do not have the permanent side effects but can install veneers on top of the tooth to create that symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing appearance. Like traditional veneers, no-prep veneers can work for patients who cannot go through the enamel removal process due to health reasons or cannot work with composite bonding due to an allergic reaction or other condition. These veneers are also great for adolescents, and adults worry about their teeth and don’t wish to commit to a permanent solution. They’re also great for people with considerably smaller teeth, slightly discolored teeth, and worn down teeth.

Which Veneer Option Should I Choose?

When looking into veneers, it’s first best to discuss these options with your dentist to ensure you’re getting the right treatment. However, both of these options will provide similar results and give long-term fixes to misshapen and worn down teeth. Traditional veneers will require local anesthesia during enamel removal and installation when being developed. With no-prep veneers, those with sensitive teeth may require local anesthesia to be placed during installation. All of which depends on your dentist’s discretion, but with knowing more about veneers, you’ll make the best decision for you regarding your teeth.

Dr. John Batlle at Southwest Family Dentistry can provide the best options for you and your family for all of your dental needs. His dentists will be able to give your family comprehensive dental care in Lake City, FL, at affordable prices, and provide dental exams and procedures with ease. To learn more about his services and what cosmetic procedures he can offer, contact Dr. Batlle today to schedule an appointment.

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