Oral Sedation in Lake City, FL
Dr. Batlle at Southwest Family Dentistry knows that there are patients who are nervous about visiting the dentist. This feeling of anxiety and apprehension is common. Fear is an uncontrollable reaction. Many people have a hard time overcoming their dental phobia because of past experiences or misinformation about dentistry. We at Southwest Family Dentistry can help you! Patients in and around Lake City can rest assured that our practice offers a way to ease your apprehension and make your trip to the dentist more relaxing. We will take away your worries and help you conquer your fear about seeing the dentist!
Oral sedation involves taking a small pill prescribed by Dr. Batlle on the day of your procedure. You will not be asleep during your dental treatment, but you will be in a deep state of relaxation. This allows you to be able to communicate with the dentist and respond to his instructions. However, you typically will not remember much, if anything at all, when the sedative wears off. Your treatment will seem to take much less time than it actually does. You will need to bring a trusted adult friend or family member bring you to, and take you home from your sedation dentistry appointment. You will still be groggy after treatment so your companion will make sure you get home safely after oral sedation dentistry.
Dr. Batlle has trained for the safe administration of oral sedation so you can trust that you are in capable hands. If oral sedation is indicated in your treatment, we will recommend what we think is best for you. Oral sedation does not just benefit patients with anxiety issues, but also people who need dental treatments but have the inability to control body movement. Multiple dental procedures can also more easily be performed at a single visit with oral sedation. Even with fear or movement disorder, you can still receive proper oral maintenance and dental care with oral sedation.
Don’t let your fear of the dentist keep you from having a healthy smile. With oral sedation, Southwest Family Dentistry can make all patients in the Lake City, FL area relaxed and comfortable. Give us a call at (386) 752-1220 and schedule an appointment with our friendly, accommodating staff.