Flash that Gorgeous Smile with Teeth Whitening

Yellowish, stained, and discolored teeth can happen over time, most especially if you smoke cigarettes, drink coffee or tea every day, and eat stain-causing foods. It is hard to avoid tooth discoloration because there are many factors to consider: aging, genetics, oral health, and certain habits. However, a white, bright smile is still possible. All […]

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A Permanent, Lasting Solution with Dental Implants

Smiling with missing teeth is not only unattractive, but it is also unhealthy for you. Missing teeth create a space that when left unfilled for long, will pose several dental problems. You are at greater risk for gum disease due to lost teeth, as well as structural and cosmetic flaws like tooth misalignment. These dental […]

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Two Rules for Choosing the Right Toothpaste

Picking toothpaste should not be a difficult task. However, a lot of our patients come to us, overwhelmed by the number of options in the toothpaste aisle. We don’t blame you if this seemingly simple job turns into a headache. In fact, we’ve dedicated this entire blog post to helping you find the right toothpaste […]

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I’m Pregnant: Should I Undergo a Dental X-ray?

For years, undergoing a dental X-ray while pregnant was considered dangerous for an unborn baby. This resulted in large numbers of pregnant women with untreated gum infection and various oral diseases. Even today, the majority of pregnant women will refuse to take any X-rays until after the pregnancy. We wanted to take the time to […]

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Your Friendly Childrens Dentistry Reminders

You are your child’s best teacher. Children regard their parents as their role models in life. A little girl trying on her mom’s shoes is a perfect example of how kids imitate the actions of their parents. So, it goes without saying that parents and guardians are the best people to teach a child about […]

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4 Ways to Look and Smile Young

The desire to look young and beautiful is an inherent human trait. Most of us want to look our best in every situation. As smiles are the windows to great job and social opportunities, it is important to project your best looking self all the time. Dr. John Batlle, cosmetic dentist in Lake City, FL, […]

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What Does Conscious Sedation Feel Like?

It is normal to feel apprehensive about oral conscious sedation especially if you don’t know anything about it. People hate being out of control, most especially in matters of oral and physical care. Dr. John Batlle, who provides this service in Lake City, FL, talks about oral conscious sedation and answers one of the most […]

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What to Expect after Wisdom Teeth Extraction

As being the last set of teeth to grow, the wisdom teeth have a greater tendency of being misaligned. If they grow horizontally or angled away from the adjacent tooth, they can pose problems to your other teeth, jawbone and even your nerves. A wisdom tooth that grows partially hidden from view, typically enclosed within […]

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Emergency Dentistry: Fun Facts to Get You Through the Summer

Summer is upon us and with the arrival of the warm season comes a host of exciting activities! Kids are at summer camp and soccer games while you are hitting  the pool or biking down the beach on vacation. While summer opens the door for new things to do, it also opens the door for […]

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Look Like A Million Bucks

A Winning Smile Can Be Yours! When you meet new people, do you greet them with a big, warm smile, or do you hold back because of embarrassment? Studies show that your smile is one of the first things people notice about you…don’t you want to wow them?! Being insecure about your smile may be […]

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What Do I Do About This Toothache?

Toothache Pain? Here at Southwest Family Dentistry, we know how unbearable the pain of a toothache can be. This is why we offer emergency dentistry-we hate pain and suffering just as much as you do, and, luckily for you, we’ve got you covered. What Is Wrong? Obviously, oral pain can be caused by a variety […]

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If You “Like” Us, Deals Will Come

Check Out Our Facebook for Exclusive, Monthly Promotions Everyone enjoys a good deal. Saving money without having to sacrifice quality is even better! This being said, Southwest Family Dentistry is proud to announce that every month we will be posting Facebook exclusive promotions for our patients! This is our way of rewarding our loyal customers. […]

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Announcing Our Facebook Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Who: Southwest Family Dentistry What: FB Pumpkin Carving Contest, winner gets free movie tickets! When: Oct. 1st through 31st Where: Facebook!   At Southwest Family Dentistry we’re ALL treats and no tricks this Halloween! Autumn is here and we are excited to treat one lucky Facebook fan to free movie tickets. It’s time to hit […]

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October is Dental Hygiene Month: Spotlighting Our Dental Hygienist

Meet Our Dental Hygienist: Lauren Rhodes October is Dental Hygiene Month and Southwest Family Dentistry wants to celebrate by spotlighting one of our favorite Dental Hygienists! Lauren Rhodes is originally from Lake City, FL and graduated from Santa Fe Community College with an A.S. in Dental Hygiene. Read our fun interview with Lauren to learn […]

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Southwest Family Dentistry is Hosting Halloween Candy BuyBack

Halloween is creeping up quickly, parents!  On one hand, it can be exciting to help the kids pick costumes and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids. One the other hand, come November 1st the excitement is gone and you are left with nothing but empty candy wrappers and hyperactive kids on a week-long sugar […]

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Introducing Our Dental Rewards Card for 2015

2015 is finally here! As you head into the New Year and begin achieving your resolutions, remember that improving your smile should always be at the top of the list! This year, we are making it easy for you to maintain excellent oral health. Throughout 2015, we are offering our Dental Care Rewards Card! How […]

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