Root Canal Therapy is Good for You

Whenever we recommend root canal therapy, we sometimes find that there are patients who are hesitant to agree to this treatment and would rather opt for tooth extraction. We always tell these patients that root canal therapy is actually a better option than extracting a tooth. A root canal removes the infected pulp of a tooth; thereby restoring it to a healthy state and allowing you to keep your natural tooth in place. It is also a less costly treatment than resorting to extraction, then having your tooth replaced with dental prosthesis. If root canal therapy is an option, you should seriously consider taking advantage of this beneficial treatment. It offers relief from pain and inflammation while getting your tooth restored affordably.

What Are Some Symptoms of Dental Conditions that May Require Root Canal Therapy?

  • Severe pain when eating or applying pressure to a tooth
  • Inflammation on the gums near the affected tooth
  • A pimple or pus on the gums, near the affected tooth
  • The infected tooth darkens in color
  • Tooth sensitivity even after the removal of coldness or heat on the tooth

What Happens During a Root Canal Therapy?

Dr. Batlle will examine and evaluate the condition of your affected tooth before recommending root canal therapy. He may perform an x-ray, allowing him to see if infection has reached the surrounding bone. If the tooth can be saved with root canal therapy, he will apply local anesthesia, so the entire process is comfortable and painless for you. Anesthesia will relax you and make you feel at ease during the course of the treatment.

The procedure itself begins with Dr. Batlle drilling a hole into the affected tooth. This hole gives him access to the infected pulp found inside the tooth chamber. The infected pulp, tissues, blood vessels, and other debris found inside your tooth is then removed. The entire area will then be cleaned and disinfected, completely ridding it of bacteria. Finally, the tooth is filled and then sealed.

Oftentimes, a dental crown follows root canal therapy to give your tooth the strength and protection it needs after the treatment. In the process of removing the bacteria and infection from inside your tooth, blood vessels are also removed. This can weaken your tooth significantly. A dental crown following a root canal gives your tooth that pillar of strength and armor. A crown completely caps your endodontically-treated tooth, making it very strong and less prone to damage than it would be without the crown.

Why Do Most People Fear a Root Canal Therapy?

Misconceptions and fictitious tales have led most people to believe that root canal is a scary treatment. A bad dental experience in the past may also have brought about this fear of root canal therapy. However, the goal of this treatment is to remove infection; thereby restoring a tooth to good health. It aims to save your tooth, allowing it to offer you function and aesthetics for many years.

Root Canal Therapies of Today are Painless and Comfortable

Presently, a root canal is considered to be a painless treatment that can save your tooth. Today’s dentists use advanced techniques and tools to make root canal treatments comfortable and painless for every patient. At Southwest Family Dentistry, Dr. Batlle and our staff are well-trained and experienced to perform painless root canals. Pain-free dentistry is our specialty! Call us at (386) 752-1220, to schedule your consultation with us.

Image Courtesy Pinterest

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