Southwest Family Dentistry is Hosting Halloween Candy BuyBack

Halloween is creeping up quickly, parents!  On one hand, it can be exciting to help the kids pick costumes and hand out candy to the neighborhood kids. One the other hand, come November 1st the excitement is gone and you are left with nothing but empty candy wrappers and hyperactive kids on a week-long sugar rush!

Fortunately, Southwest Family Dentistry is coming to your rescue this year! We are giving you an excuse to rid the house of leftover Halloween goodies while supporting our troops at the same time! We are hosting a Halloween Candy BuyBack this November! Starting November 1st until November 13th, we will buy back any unopened candy from you and your children for $1 per pound. We will partner with Operation Gratitude to send the candy to our troops abroad.


So stop by Southwest Family Dentistry starting from Nov. 1st-13th and drop off all your extra Halloween goodies for $1 a pound! Stay tuned and like us on Facebook for more updates on our events! We look forward to seeing you!

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