When Should My Child See A Dentist?

Smiling young boy with dentist

We don’t often consider our newborns dental health when they first come home, a fact that is unsurprising given that they don’t have any teeth yet! It won’t be long before they get their first tooth, and most parents don’t know that getting them into the dentist as soon as possible is vital to their dental health. If you’ve ever wondered when the right time to take your child to the dentist for the first time is, odds are it’s already time. A child’s first visit should occur at around six months of age.

Shouldn’t My Pediatrician Address My Newborn’s Dental Health?

As part of your child’s healthcare team they absolutely should, they typically even apply a fluoride varnish to their teeth when they reach 9 months of age. Throughout your child’s early months they’re going to be instrumental in taking care of their whole body health, but you still want to get your child in to in to see their dentist as soon as possible.

A Dental Exam Is Essential To Start Your Child’s Dental Health

While your pediatric doctor knows a thing or two about your child’s dental health, this isn’t their realm of specialty. As a result there’s simply no replacement for starting visits to your dentist early. There are early signs of decay and other dental issues that can show up during these visits that can help offset problems down the road. While plaque is an ever-present problem of dental care, tartar can begin forming even in the early years of your child’s life.

Early Visits To The Dentist Help Set The Tone For A Healthy Relationship

Many people suffer from fears or anxiety around visiting their dentist that has a lasting impact on their oral health. Early visits to the dentist help to establish a healthy relationship with dental care and its practitioners and ensures that your child will be more likely to maintain regular visits down the road. Dental fears and anxieties can be serious problems for those trying to maintain good oral health, so make sure you start building this relationship early by taking your child to see the dentist no more than six months after their first tooth arrives.

Take Time To Understand Your Insurance

As a final note on the subject it’s important to understand what your dental care plan covers and what it doesn’t. You can call your provider as well as sit down with your dental staff to determine what options are open for you, when your child begins being covered, and what treatments are available if something serious comes up.

If you’re ready to start your child’s journey on the road to excellent dental health, pick up the phone and call the experts at Lake City, FL based Southwest Family Dentistry. Dr. John Batlle helps families like yours get a solid start in the world of dental health and would love to have your family join his practice today. Don’t wait to make an appointment and start your child’s future of exceptional dental health.